The concept of [[Transformational Discipleship]] essentially pushes against an [anemic understanding of discipleship]( with a focus on all three [[Learning Domains]]. This requires, at minimum, a transformation not only in thinking but in behaviors as well. In that way, true discipleship has much in common with habit formation.
A number of recent books have been written on the importance of habits and on habit change management. The two most notable are perhaps the [The Power of Habit (Duhigg, 2014)]( and [Atomic Habits (Clear, 2018)]( These works on habit formation provide insight for discipleship and spiritual formation, especially as it relates to spiritual disciplines.
## Insights for Duhigg and Clear
>[!Note:]*This section needs to be completed from literature notes on these two books.*
In his book [The Power of Habit](, Duhigg makes a case for the importance of critical consideration of habit formation and the processes that allow for changing habits.
>[!Note:]*Lay out his process for the habit cycle and how to adjust this in order to change habits.*
Duhigg's explanation of habits maps with an understanding of both intentional and unintentional practices in the Christian life. If discipleship changes practices, then the process through which it does so aligns with the concepts of habit change. Understanding this relationship provides a pathway for instilling concrete practices within the discipleship process that address not only cognitive and affective aspects of worldview, but also change behaviors as well.
## Habits of Grace as Spiritual Discipline Nomenclature
>[!Note:]*Use Mathis's work to show how habit formation provides a healthy framework for the practical application of spiritual disciples in a transformative discipleship process.*
David Mathis explicitly employs habit language for spiritual disciplines in his book, [Habits of Grace (Mathis, 2016)](