Most of the people with whom I dialogue concerning personal websites are in some form of public ministry. While that's not the only class of people that should utilize personal websites, those in ministry should consider a particular set of conventions when developing thier own website. If we accept the philosophy that a personal website is *for others and not ourselves*, the following are practices we should avoid or minimize. * **Shameless self-promotion**- This is probably the biggest offender that I run in to on the web when it comes to peraonal websites for those in ministry. Every now and then, someone rises to the level of a nationally-desired conference speaker or performer. However, it looks really petty when your personal website (a) either suggests you are one of these few people when you're clearly not, or (b) everything about your website comes across as a shameless attempt to become one of these people. Ministy is an easy place to pretend this type of posture is not completely self-serving. That said, it makes it no less so. Despite what you've read on influencer blogs about how to become an influencer, shameless self-promotion does not serve your reader. Easy examples of self-promotion abound. Take for instances making your picture more prominent than any resource you're providing those who visit, especially if that picture seems to suggest you're currently speaking in front of thousands of people. Additionally, most of us do not need a prominent "Book me for your next conference" button on our website. The Speaking tab on your main menu is most likely unnecessary, as an email should suffice unless you are so inundated with requests that you run through all through your administrative staff. It is one thing to provide links to sermons your preached, conferences where you've spoken, or papers you've presented. That's providing your reader with somthing other than a way to pay you to perform. Finally, don't make your page one giant advertisement for your latest self-published book. If you're a big enough deal to have major publishers doing that work for you, then they're probably setting up that website for you. If not, a simple link to places where people can find your work for pay is sufficient. Again, if the website is an extension of your ministry and not an advertisement, treat it as such. * **Bait and switch business practices** - While I do not think your ministry website should be a giant personal advertisement asking people to pay you for something, I am also not saying you shouldn't get paid for what you do. If you have books or online courses for sale, then by all means, let visitors know. Furthermore, there are ways to (slightly) monetize a website that cost the reader nothing, such as Amazon affiliate links. Websites do have a cost to run. However, do take pains to avoid the temptation to bait and switch your visitors. It is very common today to trick readers into signing up for a newslater for some "free resource", only to offer them a thinly veiled blogpost in PDF form so that you can develop a marketing funnel. Make sure people know what they are signing up for always, and make sure anything you call a resource is actually of real value.