>[!Note] >*The following resources are for my in-class instruction.* # Personal Reflection on Calling and the Great Commission Our first modules will review your prior assignment concerning personal reflection and the Great Commission. ## IMB Seminary Student Self-Assessment The IMB provides this self-assessment specifically for seminary students. If you are considering missionary service, this assessment can begin an initial conversation with the IMB's assessment team. However, if you're unsure of your ministry calling, this assessment is also beneficial for personal discovery. Simply leave the box unchecked to send the results to the IMB. >[Seminary Student Self-Assessment](https://www.cognitoforms.com/IMB6/seminarystudentselfassessment) ## Personal Testimony & Assessment >[!Note] >*This paper must be prepared in advance of the hybrid weekend and submitted to the professor by the beginning of Friday. Personal Assessment & Testimony: Students will prepare a two (2) page document that includes a one-page personal assessment of evangelistic disciplines and a one-page personal testimony structured for evangelism. Specific guidelines for the paper must be followed. Points will be deducted if it is not followed. A specific guide will be available for download on the CampusNet page. This is an introspective assignment and can be written in first person. **Portion 1:** The first page of this assignment will answer the following questions in essay format. Do not simply provide one or two-word answers. Give a 2-3 sentence explanation for each question. - “What is my current understanding of the biblical/theological basis for missions?” Provide specific Scripture passages from both the Old and New Testament to ground your theology. - “What is the present status of my life’s practice when it comes to sharing the gospel with individuals?” - “Which of the barriers mentioned in class is the greatest hindrance to personal missions and evangelism in the lives of those I know?” - “Which of the barriers mentioned in class is my greatest hindrance to personal evangelism and why?” During the hybrid weekend, students will use the *last two questions* from the above prompts in a group setting to dialogue about their own obstacles to personal evangelism. Students are also free to share any personal suggestions about specific ways that have overcome these obstacles. **Portion 2:** Students will use the second page of this assignment to construct a version of their personal testimony to use evangelistically. This needs to be short, clear, and relatable. A specific outline is provided in the required documents for the course that uses the acronym R.E.A.C.H. to structure the student’s testimony. Students must use this outline, or points will be deducted. During the hyrbid weekend, students will use their preparation for this paper to conversationally discuss their testimony with one another in small groups during the first module of the weekend. The goal of this assignment is to help students consider their own story in a manner that is conducive to sharing it as part of evangelism. Conversing with one another about it will develop familiarity with speaking in this way. Finally, this gives everyone a chance to know other classmates in a more personal way. # Critical Contextualization The second module of our hybrid weekend deals with the topic of contextualization. Contextualization is a common term used in Christian ministry today, but what does it mean and how do we do it well? [[Contextualization on the Mission Field]] is an important topic, whether your field is across the ocean or across the street. For these lectures, we're going to look at [[Hiebert on Contextualization]] to set the basis for our discussion. >[!Note] >You can click on the link above to find copies of several articles by Hiebert that will frame our contextualization discussion. **Assignment 3:** Students are required to read the article "Critical Contextualization" by Hiebert prior to coming to class. [You can access the article here.](https://keelan.wiki/assets/files/hiebert87.pdf) You will need to have this finished prior to the discussion. It is a short article, but it covers some pretty complex topics. A first read before the discussion is essential. Students are encouraged to take notes. ## Worldview Analysis Case Study Break students into groups and provide each group with materials that present a case study for a particular worldview. Students will analyze the materials in order to exegete the culture and assess the worldview represented by the materials. Next students will consider ways to contextualize the gospel message that are both faithful to Scripture and understandable to an adherent of the represented worldview. After developing an assessment and potential message of engagement, students will then present their findings to the class. ### Representative Wordlview Case Studies The following articles serve as a collection of real case studies for wordlview analysis. Each article is written by an adherent of the listed world religion, and each is arguing for a particular understanding of their religion. >[!Note] >Students will do well to note while these fall into classical categories of world religions, that does not mean they can assume any basic pieces of the worldview based on their understanding of a textbook definition of these world religions. #### Hinduism * [Manifesto for a liberal Hindu - The Times of India](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/bloody-mary/manifesto-for-a-liberal-hindu-its-time-for-secular-hindus-to-say-garv-se-kaho-hum-liberal-hain/) * [The Hindutva Manifesto](https://swarajyamag.com/magazine/the-hindutva-manifesto) #### Islam * [THE MUSLIM MANIFESTO - a strategy for survival](https://www.icit-digital.org/articles/the-muslim-manifesto-a-strategy-for-survival) * [Muslim Democrats of the World, Unite!](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/muslim-democrats-unite_b_6648898) * [Opinion: Manifesto for a modern Islam](https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-manifesto-for-a-modern-islam/a-18272979) * *This is a follow-up commentary on the above article.* #### Secular Humanist/ Techno-optimist * [Trade-free](https://www.trade-free.org/) * [The Origin of Most Problems.pdf](https://www.tromsite.com/books/#flipbook-df_6562/1) # Developing Missions Method On day two of the weekend, modules deal with the development of particular missions method in a given context. Biblical, theological, and historical bases for missions are essential for healthy missionary practice. However, we must still build the house. Once a foundation is laid, true obedience to the Great Commission requires developing specific missions methods to engage those outside the church in our disciple-making mission. *How does one turn a corner from understanding the bases for missions and developing their own methods in context?* ### The Core Missionary Task The International Mission Board has developed a framework called the [[Core Missionary Task]] which they use with all field personnel. This framework is helpful for developing healthy missions methods in a variety of contexts, not just in international missions and church planting. It is important to note the difference between a framework and a method. Frameworks are scaffolding that allow us to maintain fidelity to the task given by Scripture but facilitate the development of specific methods that are context-bound. **Resource:** [Foundations](https://cook.noho.st/nextcloud/s/ccFfLbqHqqDQFLj) >[!Note] >You can download the entire Foundations manual from the IMB to see a complete understanding of their biblical and theological foundations as well as a thorough explanation of the core missionary task. ### Current Topics in Christian Missions While there are many current topics in missions, the following are especially pertinant to our current missionary context in North America, though they are also major issues globally. At the end of day two, we can plan to discuss the following topics: * **Diaspora Missions:** The question of how we engage in cross-cultural missions in the face of unprecendeted global migration may be the most pressing issue in global missions today. While this is a global issue, it is especially sensitive in the United States, since we are the largest recipient of international migration in the world. * **Developing Sending Culture:** Increasingly, our current paradigms concerning mobilization of missionaries, church planters, replanters, and revitalizers are being seen as inadequate. How do we recast this essential task of calling out the called for the sake of the Great Commission within the local church?